Staff Gateway : All Pages
- Picture Credits
- Home
- Working at Oxford
- Research and Teaching
- Services and tools
- Structure and organisation
- Organisational structure
- Governance
- Senior University Officers
- A to Zs
- Planning a trip
- Bookings and transport
- How do I book rooms or facilities for meetings?
- Travelling for work
- Whilst you are away
- Claims when you return
- Living in Oxford
- Professional services and University administration
- Induction for Professional Services Staff
- Induction registration form
- Professional Services Conference
- Strategic Plan 2018-23 – consultation
- University Bulletin
- Publications and newsletters
- University publication subscriptions
- University Health and Safety Strategic Plan 2018 – 2023
- Sources of Information
- University Year and Events
- Lecture and Q&A with Tom Steyer
- USS Working Group
- USS Working Group papers
- New Divisional Registrar for MPLS
- PhotOx photography society
- Professional Services Conference 2019
- USS pensions
- Mosaic: UAS websites changing in 2019
- Glossary of Terms
- Oxford University - USS communications
- How do I report a security incident or threat?
- How do I book IT training?
- How do I find information about planning an event?
- How do I find out what my telephone number is?
- Services A-Z
- Course booking system
- Using the course booking system
- Privacy policy
- FAQs
- How do I...?
- Oxford Vaccine Group study
- Museums + Heritage award for partnership project
- Welcome to the new Staff Gateway
- Open for entries: Sustainability Photographer of the Year
- New initiatives to help students from under-represented backgrounds
- University Undergraduate Open Days – additional support needed
- EU/EEA staff Brexit information
- Council Matters – update from the May meeting 2019
- Tinbergen Building public consultation update
- Diversity Fund applications 2019-20
- Win VIP tickets to Fitfest Oxford - 15 June 2019
- Staff and graduate housing update
- Training and development providers for staff
- Mellon Foundation grant for Voltaire Foundation
- Mosaic - new UAS websites go live
- Event invitation: Canvas - one year on
- Latest Oxford University admissions reveal progress on access
- Events - June 2019
- OxReach crowdfunding campaign: Smart Handpumps
- Professional development survey - for all professional services staff
- Public information event - Radcliffe Science Library
- Oxford academics recognised in 2019 Queen’s Birthday Honours
- Staff and graduate housing update - staff briefing video
- Staff and graduate housing - staff briefing video and presentation slides
- Diversifying public sculpture - find out how to get involved
- Childcare Services workshop: maintaining balance upon returning to work
- University announces unprecedented investment in the Humanities
- Oxford University Press (OUP) announce Oxford Children’s Word of the Year 2019
- Angela McLean appointed as Chief Scientific Adviser at the MOD
- Science Transit Shuttle now operating as a public bus service run by Thames Travel
- University’s ambitious new carbon emissions reduction target
- Sustainability Showcase celebrates University’s environmental successes
- Recent award successes from across the collegiate University
- A selection of events highlights + free tickets prize draws
- LAB10x – an incubator to accelerate research commercialisation
- Council Matters - update from the June meeting 2019
- Annual COMPAS photo competition: Migration and the City
- University of Oxford wins ‘Best Apprentice Employer’
- University Mail Service merges with Colleges' Messenger Service
- Council Matters - update from the July meeting 2019
- Awards – details of recent successes from across the collegiate University
- Volunteers needed for the next Undergraduate Open Day - 20 September
- Mike Glover discusses implementation of the University's Strategic Plan 2018-23
- A selection of August event highlights + prize draws for free tickets
- New University IT Strategic Plan 2019-2024
- Bodleian Law Library roof repairs to start in August
- Senior appointments across the University
- Oxford Vaccine Group study
- Staff housing allocation policy: request for focus group volunteers
- New name for Moritz-Heyman Scholarship
- Photography and GDPR toolkit
- Senior appointments - September 2019
- RisingWISE: applications open for 2019-20
- World's Biggest Coffee Morning - updated with additional events
- Implementation of 2019 pay award - non-clinical staff
- Our new carbon target: get involved
- September events taking place across the University
- Strategic Plan: our sustainable commitments
- Oxford ranked world’s best university for fourth year running
- Global day of action on climate change: Friday 20 September
- Oxford University museums win Collections Trust Award 2019
- Accessibility statement for the University of Oxford – UAS websites on the Oxford Mosaic platform
- Non-compliant content
- New units to focus on teaching, learning and developing our people
- Saïd Business School granted planning permission for the development of Osney Power Station
- Recent USS pension webinar: available to view shortly
- A new way to log and investigate incidents across the University
- Cycle safety event for staff and students – 8 and 9 October
- Mosaic project: additional UAS websites migrated to new system
- Public consultation: Radcliffe Science Library and Parks College – update on building plans
- Our people commitments in the Strategic Plan
- Open Forum
- Tinbergen update
- PhotOx photography society – sign up for Hilary term sessions
- Oxford outlines additional measures for tackling sexual harassment
- Student mental health and wellbeing – strategy and campaign launched
- Senior appointments - October 2019
- October events taking place across the University
- Sir Peter J Ratcliffe wins the Nobel Prize in Medicine 2019
- Professor John Goodenough wins 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for lithium-ion battery research
- Vice-Chancellor's Oration 2019
- Book your ticket for the GLAM Engaged Research Showcase – 27 November, from 4.30pm
- Audio recording of the Open Forum event with Professor Chas Bountra
- Networking event for new parents: 13 November at 2pm
- Networking event for carers: 13 November at 1pm
- Inspiring Apprenticeships: Josephine Allen talks about her role in the POD team
- Implementation of 2019 pay award: clinical staff
- Focus on People
- Festival of Social Science: 2–9 November
- Contacting the History of Science Museum
- Boost to internal OUI translational funding pot
- Resource commitments of the Strategic Plan: Oxford's carbon-neutral conference
- Staff Experience Survey: Feedback
- University IT Strategic Plan: submit your ideas for actions
- Oxford named best for medicine for ninth consecutive year
- Understanding RSV: Severe disease and the long term consequences
- Poverty research wins Oxford prestigious Queen’s Anniversary Prize
- Open Forum: Professor Chas Bountra
- Council Matters - update from the meeting November 2019
- FT Weekend Oxford Literary Festival: Update
- Technology award success for Saïd Business School
- Sustainability Matters: Dr David Prout discusses our new Sustainability Strategy plans
- Blueprint Michaelmas term 2019
- Council Matters: update from the meeting on 2 December 2019
- Developing Impact Case Studies for REF2021: workshop 22 January
- New Year Honours: University members recognised in 2020 awards
- Sexual Harassment & Violence Support Service: Highly Commended in awards
- The University Oxford Gazette celebrates 150th anniversary
- Our people priorities: message from Professor Anne Trefethen
- Launch of the Vice-Chancellor’s Education Awards
- Vice-Chancellor’s Diversity Awards 2020 – nominations open
- Easit rail discounts will end in March
- Bone density screening
- Oxford and coronavirus: advice and support
- Hire a room in the Wytham Woods Chalet
- New materials for Personal Development Reviews (PDR)
- Patrick Grant: the University's health and safety review
- EJRA review
- EJRA open meetings
- The release of decisions
- GLAM Digital Showcase - 25 February
- Oxford moves up Stonewall’s Workplace Equality Index
- USS pension consultation: opportunity for staff feedback - deadline for 24 February
- University signs up to Oxford Living Wage
- USS pension consultation: University's response
- Graduate access: support for disadvantaged UK students
- Payslips and P60s go paperless
- Progress with our people priorities: Julian Duxfield, Human Resources Director
- Council Matters: update from the meeting on 10 February
- easit scheme update
- Environmental Sustainability Consultation - now closed
- University gives go-ahead to first joint venture development project
- Resources: support for home-working and staff wellbeing
- Research: Oxford University coronavirus updates
- REF 2021 update
- Travel updates: University parking, season tickets and bike repairs
- Your stories: delivering science workshops to Polish school children
- Personal development: online resources
- Your stories: St Hilda's virtual Literary Festival
- Volunteering and community support
- Covid-19 measures at OUI: message from OUI's CEO
- USS pension consultation: opportunity for staff feedback - now closed
- Covid-19 update: Dr David Prout
- Virtual appointments and support update
- Your stories: history at home
- Your stories: keeping Oxford reading
- Your stories: team bonding
- Covid-19 update: Professor Martin Williams
- USS pension: University's response to the second consultation
- Covid-19: staffing strategies
- Virtual May Morning
- Your stories: UK Crafters supporting the NHS
- Your stories: NHS volunteer scheme
- Covid-19 update: Gill Aitken, Registrar
- Oxford announces historic commitment to fossil fuel divestment
- Landmark partnership announced for development of COVID-19 vaccine
- Your stories: ‘back garden biology’
- Invitation: our mental wellness seminar series, 21 May 2020
- Covid-19 update: Professor Anne Trefethen
- New Internal Job Board for University vacancies
- COVID-19: Data privacy and cybersecurity
- Covid-19 update: Professor Patrick Grant
- Oxford webinar on USS pensions 3 June 2020
- Winners of 2020 Vice-Chancellor's Diversity Awards announced
- New online incident reporting system
- Funded professional and technical training opportunities
- Join the conversation: USS pension webinar 3 June
- Your stories: Dunn with me – virtual cooking classes
- Covid-19 update: Dr David Prout
- Your stories: ‘bake and donate’ – raising money for charity at home
- Covid-19 update: Professor Anne Trefethen
- Staff Hardship Fund
- Expense claims going online
- Open letter to Oxford students from the Vice-Chancellor and Heads of House
- Message from the Vice-Chancellor: £80 million Reuben Foundation donation
- Additional day's leave: Friday 26 June 2020
- Covid-19 update: Dr Robert Easton
- Your stories: Art History Radio Hour
- University Print Studio: return to work signage and stickers
- Our people are key to a successful academic year ahead
- Your stories: creativity in our commute
- Vice-Chancellor’s Open Forum: 18 June 2020
- The Duke of Cambridge visits Oxford Vaccine Centre
- Winners of the 2020 Education Awards announced
- Open Forum 6 July: Professor Anne Trefethen
- Get involved with Plastic Free July!
- What do you think Oxfordshire should be like in 2050?
- Covid-19 update: Professor Chas Bountra
- Pay Award Decisions
- Covid-19 update: Dr David Prout
- REF 2021 update: Professor Patrick Grant
- News for staff
- Creweian Oration 2020
- University news
- Additional day's leave: Friday 28 August 2020
- Professor Andrew Pollard: Oxford Vaccine Trial
- Research
- You and Oxford
- University priorities
- Oxford partnerships
- Education and Teaching
- New study reveals Oxford coronavirus vaccine produces strong immune response
- Plastic-Free July
- Why I am here
- Lockdown: Community Support
- Locked out of Oxford: Logged into learning
- Oxford Open Doors 2020
- The colleges and the COVID-19 impact
- Professor Anne Trefethen: new HR guidance & USS pension update
- Get fit for free with Oxford University Sport
- Talking COVID
- The search for a vaccine
- Behind the screens with our staff
- Intermission
- A Day in the Life with Dr Sarah Bauermeister
- Oxford’s rapid response to COVID-19
- Communications for staff
- University shortlisted for Apprenticeship award
- Professor Chris Conlon: Testing for COVID-19 – Early Alert Service
- Sharing your views on the Academic Support website
- HR Self-Service access extended
- Professor Anne Trefethen: preparing for Michaelmas term
- Join the conversation: USS pension webinar 5 October
- 2020 pay award – clinical academic and related staff
- Look out for the new online expense claims system
- Mandatory Information Security and Data Privacy Awareness Training
- Gill Aitken: returning to onsite working
- Gazette subscriptions
- Outcomes of research staff survey announced
- Return to on-site working – travel updates
- Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching
- Prime Minister Boris Johnson visits Oxford vaccine teams
- Dr David Prout: the University's financial response to COVID-19
- National Apprenticeship Awards 2020
- Nationally negotiated pay uplift for 2020/21
- Our Mental Wellness series: Overcoming Sleep Problems
- COVID Rebuilding Research Momentum Fund
- Professor Anne Trefethen: response to the government guidance
- Appointment notice: Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Development & External Affairs
- Introduction to Inclusive Teaching at Oxford
- Professor Martin Williams: Michaelmas term's online/in-person teaching format
- Vice-Chancellor's Oration 2020
- Campaign launched to recognise centenary of women students
- Park and Charge Oxfordshire
- Nursery childcare – supporting your family needs
- Professor Louise Richardson: internal communications updates
- Women at Oxford 100 Years on: panel session 10 November
- Black History Month Lecture - Diversity Activism: to do or not to do?
- Apprenticeship Levy opportunities
- Oxford Guide 2022
- Dr David Prout: Environmental Sustainability Strategy
- Canvas update from the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education)
- Professor Anne Trefethen: priorities of Personnel Committee
- Italian vaccine researcher 'phones home' to talk with Mayor
- Launch of flagship LGBT lecture series
- Message from the Vice-Chancellor Professor Louise Richardson
- Gill Aitken: Help for personal development
- Changes to SSO - final reminder
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Oxford: opportunities for progress
- Message from Dr Robert Easton
- Gill Aitken: responding to the national restrictions
- Investment Committee: climate-conscious appointment
- EU/EEA staff: end of Brexit transition period
- Sir Keir Starmer MP and Annaliese Dodds MP visit Oxford coronavirus vaccine teams
- Aiming for zero carbon and biodiversity net gain by 2035
- Personal data breaches: prevent, report, protect
- An Oxford vaccine for the world
- Oxford's contribution to the fight against COVID-19
- Oxford University podcast returns with History of Pandemics season
- Update: new online expense claims system
- SharePoint Online goes live
- Dr David Prout: financial update
- Brexit update
- Reflecting on Michaelmas term
- Thank You Board Form
- Oxford coronavirus vaccine update
- Apprenticeship Development Group – volunteers needed
- University Thank You Board
- Health Communications feedback: You Said – We Did
- Oxford's COVID-19 vaccine trial volunteers
- Return to On-Site Working
- Health Communications Working Group
- Update from the Hilary and Trinity Coordination Group
- Professor David Mant: COVID-19 Early Alert Service (EAS)
- University of Oxford highlights of 2020
- Senior Leader Apprenticeship with Oxford Brookes University
- Update: arrangements for return after the Fixed Closure Period
- New Year Honours 2021
- Live Oxford at Home talk: Terrorist Macbeth
- Staff wellbeing - free online sport for staff
- TOTUM Discount card
- RECOVERY trial: the race to find treatments for COVID-19 patients
- Professor Chris Conlon: testing the University
- £100 million donation from Ineos to fight antimicrobial resistance
- Josie Inaldo
- Hamayun Minhas and James Evans
- Charlotte Garner
- Maria Williams
- Peter Sheppard
- Diego Sanchez-Ancochea & Graham Bray & Josie Inaldo
- Gemma Mumford
- James Baker
- Update from Professor David Gann CBE, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Development and External Affairs)
- City Council approves planning application for new Life and Mind Building
- Jackie Wilkins
- Harry Lewendon-Evans
- Laura Ainsworth
- Neaveeda Ali
- National Apprenticeship Week 2021: 8 – 14 February
- Katerina Nordin
- Sarah Morris
- Gerard Robinson
- Tricia Murkin and Elvira Peace
- Zoe Saul
- Durga Sapre
- Rollout of Multi-Factor Authentication on all Oxford SSO accounts has begun
- Adapting our access programme for the pandemic
- Your letters to the senior team
- Elizabeth Smith, Emma Standhaft, Phillipa Tarver
- Cecile Laborde
- Tom Butcher
- COMING SOON – Coaching Professional Apprenticeship
- Rebecca James
- Janet Sadler
- Sue Geddes
- Robert Grayson
- Teresa Pedroso
- Nick Baldwin
- David Parr
- Anthony Kong
- Judy Howe
- Professor Gavin Screaton: tackling the pandemic
- Digna Martinez Sabaris
- Hayley Morris
- Laura Burton
- Isuara Thomas
- Lucia Browning
- Bradley Lewis
- Joe Ryan
- Angelina Pelova
- Laura Quinlan
- All our apprenticeship champions
- Kellogg College Hub
- Jason King
- Victoria Skipper
- Joseph Mckinlay and Matthew Card
- Tim Philipson
- George Griffiths
- Brendan Donnelly
- Carly Nieri
- All Careers Service Staff
- Gerard Robinson
- The Ashmolean Team
- Dr Jamie Hartmann-Boyce: from English literature to the science of e-cigarettes
- Cigdem Arnison
- Kya Gibbons, Stuart Lawrie, Rob Stone
- Louise Kelly & Rebecca Giles
- Gerard Robinson
- Ruth Porter
- Sonja and the Botnar Team
- Anne Whitehouse
- Adeniyi Aderoba
- Kim Nixon, Ronald Tarry, Sarah Lockwood
- Alexander Lewis
- Charlotte Albury
- Elisa Basso
- Kaja Wawrszak
- Gratian Vandici
- Alexis Webb
- Gemma Jacobs
- Julie Darbyshire
- Shadi Alsamhouri
- The TOPIC research group
- Emily Joyce
- Fairtrade Fortnight 22 February to 7 March 2021
- Professor Anne Trefethen: USS pension update
- Duncan Appelbe
- Gratian Vandici
- Leyla Aznaran Lesma
- Ken Choi
- Emmanuelle Chevalier & David Fernandez-Clavero
- Professional services team in MI
- Lucy Curtin
- Rebecca Blackmore
- Simon Gilbane and Val Holloway
- Rosemond Boadu
- Joanna Taylor
- Professor Jonathan Michie: role change
- Richard Ovenden: keeping Oxford reading
- Devices4Schools – donating unwanted devices
- Jodie Ririe
- Anna Power
- Anna Hardy, Mariangela Graziano, Shaun Todd and Angela Soasti Pozo
- Update from Childcare Services
- Joana Perrone
- Hamayun Minhas and James Evans
- Council Matters: update from the February 2021 meeting
- Dr Saira Shaikh: delivery of education & student services
- Professor Cecilia Lindgren appointed Director of the Big Data Institute
- Announcement from the Vice-Chancellor regarding the Head of the Social Sciences Division
- Dr Sarah Bauermeister: mental health and COVID-19
- Kaja Wawrzak
- Lindsey Martineau
- Karen Williams
- Jamie Newman
- Karl Shepherd
- Bulvinder Gurm
- Darren Marsh
- Jingwen Kyropoulos
- Michael O'Sullivan
- USA, Chile and Peru interim trial data show Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is safe and highly effective
- New Sustainability Strategy adopted
- Multi-factor authentication is now live
- Gill Aitken: the University's 'roadmap' out of lockdown
- New Ways of Working
- Apprenticeship Expo – Save the date!
- Increase to the Oxford Living Wage
- New Ways of Working Framework
- Removal of disused bikes underway across Oxford
- Monika Klim
- Alison Brindle
- A panel discussion and Q&A – The Launch of the Research Staff Hub
- Adelyn Wise
- Dr David Prout: the Environmental Sustainability Strategy
- Council Matters: update from the March 2021 meeting
- Isobel Stokoe
- Duke of Edinburgh: book of condolences
- USS valuation: UUK launches consultation with employers
- Professor Jonathan Michie, Director of the Department for Continuing Education
- Why test students and staff who are asymptomatic for COVID-19?
- David Creasey
- Helen Hall
- Tara Prayag
- Gender Pay Gap: 2021 Report
- Update: Department for Continuing Education
- Sustainable Photographer of the Year Contest 2021
- USS: Back to Basics Webinar 1
- Professor Anne Trefethen: Race Equality Task Force and Staff Experience Survey
- University Apprenticeships Expo: Sign up now!
- Elise Cochrane
- Rebecca Waterman
- Kate Mulrey
- New Ways of Working survey summary
- Mental Health Awareness Week 2021
- Rebecca Giles and Payments team
- New IT courses available for Trinity term
- USS Pensions Hub
- Women Making History: Shaping Oxford's Next Century
- USS Pensions News and Events
- USS: Back to Basics Webinar 2
- Message from the Vice-Chancellor: Professor Karen O'Brien
- Dr Chris Thorogood: the importance of plants
- Connecting you with nature
- Wellbeing resources
- Thank You Board – 100 Thank Yous
- Wendy Grist
- Margaret Lingas
- Louisa Summers
- Scarlett Grant
- Sue Chen
- University of Oxford takes home 'Apprenticeship Employer of the Year' Award
- Personal active travel planning
- Returning to the classroom, and looking to the future
- Philippa King
- Tom Cooper
- Hazel Evans
- Simon Ayloff
- Lyn Hambridge
- Apprenticeship Expo Week 2021
- Timothy Philipson
- Reconnect with an outdoor event in the new marquee in the Parks
- Our Mental Wellness: Bullying and Anxiety
- Vicky Roberts
- Hazel Evans
- Professor Jonathan Wolff: the moral nature of the pandemic
- Alison Coldstream
- Nazia Jamil
- Peter Sheppard
- University Card Office
- Vickie Dimelow
- Gary Jones
- Li Zhang
- Gail de Villiers and Julie Saunders
- Beata Giglio
- Felicity Polden
- University of Oxford to launch Pandemic Sciences Centre
- National pay award: clinical staff 2021
- This is a temporary webapge. Please use link below for system guidance.
- David Paintin
- Leila Whitworth
- Matt Brock
- Anna Karlinska
- Holly Mosscrop
- Elvira Peace
- Pick Your Own Path!
- Professor Patrick Grant: the research landscape
- Wenna Purves
- Lucy Hilsdon
- Dr Frances Colles: interdisciplinary research
- Conversations on Race Discussion Series
- USS Webinars
- Oxford University academics recognised in Queen’s Birthday Honours
- Charlene Rowley
- Philippa Moss
- Staff Immigration Team
- Charlotte Thompson-Grant
- Opening Oxford to the World, 1871–
- Oxford University ‘highly commended' at the Higher Education Continuity Network (HEBCoN) awards
- Daniel Meacoe
- Dan Hollidge
- 10-year review of the employer-justified retirement age (EJRA)
- USS Pension - Ask a Question and FAQs
- Join Oxford's football tournament this summer
- The impact of COVID-19 on our professional lives
- New Ways of Working
- Miles Young Warden of New College
- Free accessibility webinars this summer
- Reflections on the Oxford at Home Series
- Rachel Hinton and Team
- Darren Marsh
- Genieve Boon
- Tim Philipson
- University Purchasing Department
- New network Oxford Cancer launches
- Joining the University during lockdown
- Green spaces, gardens, libraries and museums
- HR Director Julian Duxfield: supporting our carers
- 400th Anniversary of the founding of Oxford Botanic Garden
- Amanda Tattersall, Sophie Herzberg, Susan Brace and Sian Griffiths
- A ship in the storm: sponsoring the Canvas programme during the pandemic
- New ways of working and environmental sustainability
- Professional Services Conference: Professional Services of the future
- Alex, Carl and Amanda
- Public Engagement with Research Seed Fund 2021
- Carol Baggiolini
- 2021-22 pay award for non-clinical staff
- Holly Howe
- Professor Chris Conlon: health guidance for the new term
- Welcome back message: Professor Patrick Grant
- Appointments made to senior professional services roles
- Collecting COVID
- Returning to on-site working with environmental sustainability in mind
- Insight: Professor Anne Trefethen on staff benefits
- Mateusz Lazarowicz
- Megan Ilsley
- Andy Connor
- Nominating Committee for the Vice-Chancellorship
- Interdisciplinarity, collaboration and why the past matters
- Building a 21st-century estate
- Innovation: the world needs more Oxford talent
- Forming new University spinouts
- History of Science Museum launches Collections Online
- Introducing the Hillary Rodham Clinton Chair of Women's History
- The evolution of the BME Staff Network
- Supporting our students, now and in the future
- Karen Ward
- Kevin Kirby
- Elizabeth Hodges
- Emma Edmunds
- Isobel Stokoe
- Oxford Lit Fest: autumn programme
- Oxford University contributes £15.7 billion to the UK economy
- Changing opinions about Maths, with 'Tom Rocks Maths'
- Maths: life hacks
- Staff benefits: cycling
- Nicola Tegart
- Matteo Gosi
- Lydia Manfo-Obeng
- Delighted and distracted
- A personal note from Professor Brenda E Stevenson
- Chris Thorogood: Oxford Botanic Garden
- Graham Ingram: protect yourself from cybercrime
- Oxford University Elsevier (ScienceDirect) Deal
- Help us address race equality at Oxford
- Update: New Ways of Working and HR priorities
- Marina Amiconi
- Lani Fukada
- St. Catz Kitchen Team
- Claire Collier
- Rachel Srawley
- Robin Beachy
- Zoology and Plant Sciences Finance Team
- Dr David Johnson: an academic journey
- Implementation of the 2021 pay award - clinical consultants
- Employer Justified Retirement Age (EJRA) review
- Staff benefits: University nurseries
- Aga Bogucka
- Support with your online job application
- Callum Winkler
- Give As You Earn
- Picturing Parkinson’s
- Grounded and sensible
- Oxford life – working and living with a disability
- Anna Schneiderova
- Darrell Moss
- Audra Giles
- Jo Collet
- Mark Hawkes
- Rita Richards
- Wayne, Pete, Bruce, Marcus, Martin, Ross and Franco
- Linda Randall
- Supporting our academic mission
- Bry's Diaries (part one)
- Explaining UK migration policy and data as a foreigner
- Highlights of our charitable activities
- Rising to the ClimateTech and Sustainability Challenge
- Beata Giglio
- Mala Ratha Krishnan
- HRIS Support Team
- Rachel Srawley
- Amid COVID-19: reflections on the Health Campaign
- Tara Prayag
- Oxford University RFC vs England U20s
- Tim Currie
- Book of condolence for Her Majesty The Queen
- New Year Honours 2022
- Bry's Diaries (part two)
- Supporting staff wellbeing in 2022
- Expense claims now online
- Announcement from the Vice-Chancellor
- Announcement from the Vice-Chancellor
- Life as an intern in the communications team: a student's perspective
- Sophie Skidmore
- Kate Hutchinson
- Apprenticeships in 2022: Looking ahead
- Sports discounts for staff
- Opportunity Oxford
- Professor Patrick Grant: review of health and safety
- USS: 29 September 2021 webinar on the 2020 valuation
- Tim Power, new Head of Social Sciences Division
- Announcement from the Vice-Chancellor
- The changing face of COVID-19 and what it means for Oxford
- Bodleian Libraries Strategy 2022-2027
- Launch of new staff bike scheme
- Enter the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards 2022
- LGBT+ History Month
- Lesley-Anne Adams
- Jenny Williams
- Check your bookmarks to UAS websites
- LGBT+ History Month: the transformation of Dr Clara Barker
- Professor Anne Trefethen: Digital Transformation Open Forum
- Focus: beyond the pandemic
- New University building projects
- Bone density screening: 14 June
- Anna Power
- Erica Ballabio
- Gender equality: Jennifer Chapin
- Oxford University’s Economic Impact
- Anne Trefethen reflects on digital transformation at Oxford
- Reflections on becoming Chair of the Conference of Colleges
- Oxford Lit Fest: volunteers
- Staff Benefits: shared parental leave and pay
- Deaths in service: Ellen Moilanen and Ling Felce
- Staff discount: Varsity Rugby Match tickets
- University receives planning permission for the new Humanities building
- Brain Awareness Week: 14–17 March
- Professional services staff events
- Tracy Gunnett
- Susan Gillis
- Xintong, Ed, and Antonella
- 2020 valuation archive
- Digital transformation at Oxford: the ideas platform is live
- Professional Services Together
- World Autism Awareness Day: 2 April
- Joanne Taylor
- Laura Cooper
- Jenny Williams
- Professional Services Together: developing a shared approach
- Louise Mireh
- Sean Robinson
- Staff offer: Park & Ride £1
- Staff discount: Entry to Blenheim 7k Fun Run on 15 May
- Focus launches e-learning across the University
- Dmytro Vasyutin
- Daniel Meacoe
- Staff discounts
- New Highway Code rules aim to make walking and cycling safer
- Staff wellbeing and reward
- The wonders of Wytham Woods
- New Ways of Working Update
- Bone density screening 14 June
- A mind for the brain
- Building on our pandemic experiences
- The Race Equality Consultation and Strategy
- Professor Patrick Grant blogs on the upcoming REF 2021 results
- Diversity in University governance
- Sophie Skidmore
- Katy Poncin
- Louisa Summers
- Michael Jackson
- Professor Irene Tracey nominated as the next Vice-Chancellor
- EveryDaySafe Open Forum
- International Museum Day: 18 May 2022
- EveryDaySafe: towards a new safety culture – together
- Assessing our progress on Access
- Building on our Pandemic Experiences: Angela Unsworth
- Staff benefits: Oxford days out
- Fusing opportunities with philanthropy
- Focus: change and Continuous Improvement at the University
- Building on our Pandemic Experiences: Professor Sir Martin Landray
- Fusing opportunities with philanthropy
- Gina Pitson
- Naz Ali and Debbie Buswell
- Louise Stratton
- Anita Paterson
- Professional Services Together
- Key Principles
- Priority projects and initiatives
- More information
- Supporting innovation at Oxford
- Building on our Pandemic Experiences: Isobel Hughes
- Behind the hoardings: update on University building projects
- Focus on quality
- National rail strike: advice for staff
- HR Self-Service
- About HR Self-Service
- Sarah Fagan
- Financial Assurance Team
- Anne Atkinson
- Join the Oxford Botanic Garden’s 400th anniversary celebrations
- Troubleshooting FAQs
- Changes to the Employer Justified Retirement Age policy
- Oxford staff communications survey – results
- New policy for University business travel coming soon
- Local business travel
- Considering travel
- Extreme heat warning: advice for staff
- Ellie Talbot
- John Parkhill, Liz Bills, Kathrin Gowers
- 2022–23 pay award for non-clinical staff
- Winners of the Vice-Chancellor’s Environmental Sustainability Awards 2022 announced
- Diversity & Inclusion series – celebrating our strengths as a community
- Digital education: foundations for the future
- Expanding communities of practice at Oxford
- USS: 26 May 2022 webinar on the impact of recent changes
- Vicki Payne
- Iwona Kedzior
- Jack Sloan
- Elena Vasile
- Anna Hedge
- Wellbeing: Thriving at Oxford
- Oxford Lit Festival: prize draw and discounts
- Oxford’s Foodies Festival - 25% discount
- Senior professional services staff join the University
- Celebrating MPLS colleagues and their success
- Professional Services Conference: Professional Services Together
- The Queen and the University
- The passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
- Mental health crisis support
- Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance
- Book of Condolence
- Supporting others
- Resources for managers
- Message of condolence from Mark Curtis
- Message of condolence from Stephannie Salvador
- Message of condolence from Dr E. Michael Gilmont
- Message of condolence from Tom
- Message of condolence from Ralph Harrison Smith II
- Message of condolence from Richard Colling
- Message of condolence from Francesca Roxburgh
- Message of condolence from Antonio Brundu
- Message of condolence from Kerri Louise Howard
- Message of condolence from Dr. Senko Tsukuda
- Message of condolence from Lenka Pčolinská
- Message of condolence from Baha
- Message of condolence from Walter Bodmer
- Message of condolence from Margaret May Yee
- Message of condolence from anonymous
- Message of condolence from Mark-Oliver Morkos
- Message of condolence from Chioma Rita Achi
- Message of condolence from Enrico Jay-ar Corella
- Message of condolence from Gloria Ngaiza
- Message of condolence from Agha Salik Ahmed Khan
- Message of condolence from Michelle Zenner
- Message of condolence from John Maguire
- Message of condolence from Raymond Dwek
- Message of condolence from Cyril A.F. Chilson
- Message of condolence from Esther Kentish
- Message of condolence from Andrew Reeve
- Message of condolence from Dr Elena Katz
- Message of condolence from Elizabeth Hadley
- Message of condolence from anonymous
- Message of condolence from Gemma Sedgwick
- Message of condolence from Julian Smith
- Message of condolence from Dr Felix Pflücke
- Message of condolence from Sharon Swanepoel
- Message of condolence from Paige O'Rourke
- Message of condolence from Miriam McGilvray
- Message of condolence from Dr Christina Reith
- Message of condolence from Mariela Rios Diaz
- Message of condolence from Walter-Rodney Nagumo
- Message of condolence from Susan Wagland
- Message of condolence from Athiswari Vadivale
- Message of condolence from Bethan Davies
- Message of condolence from Hannah Menzel
- Message of condolence from Dimitrios Tsomocos
- Message of condolence from Diarie Sun
- Message of condolence from David Logan
- Message of condolence from Francesca Padley
- Message of condolence from Jane Reid
- Message of condolence from Angila Gurung
- Message of condolence from Dawn Hanlon
- Message of condolence from Neil Fisher
- Message of condolence from Heather Savage
- Message of condolence from Dr Guy Nicholls
- Message of condolence from Acacia Stackpoole
- Message of condolence from Helen Moulden
- Message of condolence from Dr Jacinta Tan
- Message of condolence from Allan Brian Ssembajjwe
- Message of condolence from Colleen Bussey
- Message of condolence from Gina Farago
- Message of condolence from Valeria Lavin
- Looking after you
- Message of condolence from Lawino Susan
- Looking after you - resources
- Message of condolence from Gito Lal
- Message of condolence from Candice von Memerty
- Message of condolence from Deborah Jane Tucker
- Message of condolence from Helen Gee
- Message of condolence from Lesley Quirk
- Arrangements for Monday 19 September
- Message of condolence from Teresa Hatton
- Message of condolence from Mary Board
- Message of condolence from Niloufer Irani
- Message of condolence from Dr Lil Sandra Saavedra Tafur
- Message of condolence from Kel Vin Tan
- Message of condolence from Li Yang Clark
- Message of condolence from Sean C. Denniston
- Message of condolence from Lorenzo Witcherd
- Message of condolence from Susan Geddes
- Message of condolence from Caroline Waddup
- Message of condolence from Gesine Reinert
- Message of condolence from Beverley Lane
- Message of condolence from Ross Jones
- Message of condolence from Yasmin Suleman
- Message of condolence from Sara Cox
- Message of condolence from Sukarni Wheeler
- Message of condolence from Danielle Williams
- Message of condolence from Yama Farooq Mujadidi
- Message of condolence from Moyna de Selincourt
- Message of condolence from Dan Taber
- Message of condolence from Hana Purslow
- Message of condolence from Jemma Shaw
- Message of condolence from Agnieszka Urbaniak
- Message of condolence from Emma Andrew
- Message of condolence from Dr Michael E. Drew
- Message of condolence from Zili Qu
- Message of condolence from Colin Morley
- Message of condolence from Christopher McVeigh
- Oxford Railway Station work cancelled this weekend
- Message of condolence from Ruth Osborne
- Message of condolence from Alison Maloney
- Message of condolence from Tanyawadee Chalmers
- Message of condolence from Antony Dent
- Message of condolence from Gareth Brading
- Message of condolence from Ashleigh Denton
- Message of condolence from Lisette Martin
- Message of condolence from Lilia Bonacorsi
- Message of condolence from Antonios Stamiris
- Message of condolence from Rhiannon Smith
- Message of condolence from Orion Mercaitis
- Message of condolence from Lillie Keuning
- Message of condolence from Lucia Browning
- Message of condolence from Susan Goodgion
- Message of condolence from ~Beatriz Claudia Castillo Castillo
- Message of condolence from Julia Mielish
- Message of condolence from Diana Prescott Carroll
- Message of condolence from Sarah Skeels
- Message of condolence from Polly Todinova
- Message of condolence from Vithanage prabath De Silva Jayasuriya
- Message of condolence from Marianne Dodson
- Message of condolence from Rachel Ho
- Message of condolence from Yi Li
- Message of condolence from Marta Antosz
- Message of condolence from Jo Wainwright
- Message of condolence from Sameeksha Mishra
- Message of condolence from Liesl van Niekerk
- Message of condolence from Khwaja Islam
- Message of condolence from Neill Marshall
- Message of condolence from Dr. Humaira Khan-Kuzmiak
- Message of condolence from Razia Fakir Mohammad
- Menopause: the last taboo
- Research Culture at Oxford: improving research practices and supporting research careers
- Diversity and Inclusion Series: Mary Adeyemo
- Message of condolence from Val Downs
- Message of condolence from Jacqui Thornton-Kitching
- Message of condolence from Paul Gardner
- Message of condolence from Yusuff Adebayo Adebisi
- Message of condolence from Mark Hawkes
- Join a sustainability scheme: Green Impact and LEAF welcome new teams this academic year
- Message of condolence from Hilary Chow
- Message of condolence from Erna Rachel Cooper
- Message of condolence from Kate Forbes
- Message of condolence from Hollyanne Dudley
- Message of condolence from Tansy Wade
- Message of condolence from Pamela Stanworth
- Message of condolence from Simon Wanda
- Message of condolence from Grace Chew Chye Lay
- Message of condolence from Christopher Jones
- Message of condolence from Fredrick Sylvester Ntamagara
- Message of condolence from Alwyn Smith
- Message of condolence from Michelle Richardson
- Message of condolence from Anthony (Tony) Pucciarelli
- Message of condolence from Ricardo Padilla
- Message of condolence from Genieve Boon
- Message of condolence from Colleen Cumbers
- Message of condolence from Jane Squire
- Message of condolence from Kathy Postelle Rixon
- Message of condolence from Iqra Hussain
- Message of condolence from Godfrey Mtare
- Message of condolence from Jie Zhao
- Message of condolence from Dr Nigel Elliott and Mrs Diane Elliott
- Message of condolence from Sarah Bauermeister
- Message of condolence from Dr Manya Pagiavla, FHEA, FSEDA
- Message of condolence from Elle Pfeffer
- Message of condolence from Dr. Mirvat Surakhy
- Message of condolence fromWendy White
- Message of condolence from Emma Davies
- Message of condolence from Theresa Dominick Stockton
- Message of condolence from Jayne Birkby
- Message of condolence from Juliane Kaden-Botha
- Message of condolence from Suzanne Watt
- Message of condolence from Giancarlo Nurhachu Hao Gonzaga
- Message of condolence from anonymous
- Message of condolence from Maria Prange
- Message of condolence from Cecilia Okusi
- Message of condolence from Tanzeem Begum
- Message of condolence from Gabrielle Rockett
- University of Oxford appoints first Chief Diversity Officer as Race Equality Strategy launched
- Message of condolence from Xiaolan Fu
- Message of condolence from Simon Wong
- Message of condolence from William Richardson
- Message of condolence from anonymous
- Message of condolence from Marsha Wallace
- Message of condolence from Rajib Saha
- Message of condolence from Elizabeth K. Barber
- Message of condolence from David Holt
- Message of condolence from Martyna Matejska
- Message of condolence from Lynne Quiggin
- Message of condolence from Alina Szymczak-Brown
- Message of condolence from Simone Bichara-Desecki and Jacek Desecki
- Toby Woodforde and Scott Matthews
- Message of condolence from Dennis West
- Message of condolence from Alex Westwell
- Message of condolence from Christine Merbach
- Message of condolence from Georgia Stride
- Message of condolence from anonymous
- Message of condolence from Susan Hargreaves
- Message of condolence from Penny Charman
- Message of condolence from Farishta Mirbacha Naderi
- Message of condolence from Sarah Howard
- Message of condolence from Gail Peddle
- Message of condolence from Victoria Beatrix Fendel
- Help shape staff communications at Oxford
- Looking after you - services
- Looking after you - health
- Oxford Magazine
- Looking after you - work
- Moving forward in Medical Sciences
- Looking after you - values and principles
- Looking after you - social growth
- Looking after you - personal growth
- Join the OUP Orchestra
- Bone density screening for staff
- Looking after you - personal wellbeing for managers
- Sarah Hayward
- Rebecca Giles
- Magda Koczan
- Rebecca Murphy
- Be energy friendly: reducing usage and accelerating energy saving initiatives
- What if you were asked to save the world?
- Building for a digital future
- Winners of the Vice-Chancellor’s Education Awards 2022 announced
- Dyslexia Awareness Week 2022 - 5 ways to learn about dyslexia and improve your own reading and writing
- Travel Policy
- Looking after you - resources for researchers
- Being for Beginners: workshops to improve wellbeing in life and work
- The Vice-Chancellor’s Professional Services Awards
- 'We will start from the perspective of the audience'
- Oxford’s digital transformation
- Oxford’s digital transformation themes
- AcWriMo 2022: Academic Writing Month
- Sydney Hicks
- Carlos Tapia
- Anthony Wheatcraft
- Kenny MacLennan
- Claire Kelly
- Angelina Pelova
- Financial wellbeing
- Dell Black Friday deals for staff and students
- Rotimi Akinsete: one year in as Director of Student Welfare and Support Services
- Protecting Oxford’s financial health
- The impact of giving
- Laura Gamble
- Using my experiences to break down barriers
- Victoria Roberts & Amanda Barnett
- EMBA Team
- Kaitlin Beazley
- Tamara Lewin
- Belinda Lennox
- Advent of Reading and Writing Innovation
- Seasonal staff photo page
- Shared experiences: hidden disabilities
- Focus Service Review: next steps for the HR grading service
- Oxford welcomes this year's incoming Statutory Professors
- Switching off for Christmas
- How we've responded to your feedback about communications at Oxford
- Digital transformation news
- Happy green New Year
- Winter and wellbeing
- Welcome to our new Vice-Chancellor
- Investigative assignments
- Guide to your HR data
- Meet our new Chief Diversity Officer
- Bone density screening for staff
- New Open Access Publications Policy
- Research@Oxford
- HR Self-Service FAQs
- HR Self-Service user guides
- Interventions
- Lydia Wright
- How-to guide: Employee Self-Service
- How-to guide: Employee Self-Service
- Investigative assignments: What you need to know...
- How-to guide: Employee Self-Service
- How-to guide: Employee Self-Service
- Josephine Aldhouse
- Romain Alaphilippe
- Rebecca Waterman
- Sally McKendrick
- How-to guide: Employee Self-Service
- Get involved
- Shortlist announced for VC's Professional Services Awards
- Ensuring Oxford’s education is digitally fit for the future
- Alex Vincent on the contribution of the humanities
- How-to guide: Employee Self-Service
- How-to guide: Employee Self-Service
- Oxford Lit Festival 2023: prize draw and discounts
- Being for Beginners - insight, space and practical tools for staff
- Time to Talk Day
- Competency Centres
- Security update for Microsoft Authenticator app used for MFA
- Wolfson's ground-breaking zero carbon project
- University response to the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria
- A Conversation with the Vice-Chancellor
- How to decarbonise a university
- Delivering positive environmental action
- Green Action Week: Professor EJ Milner-Gulland
- Wellbeing News and Events
- Managing stress in the changing world of work
- Supporting Oxford-wide careers
- Oxford's digital future
- What’s happening at Begbroke?
- 12 student focus groups have taken place during Hilary term
- Wellbeing for Managers Workshops
- New Menopause Support Network
- Latest updates
- Neesha Devi
- Tim Philipson and Hazel Evans
- Anne Atkinson
- Alison Coldstream
- Holly Blades
- Caroline Brown
- Imogen Taylor
- Strategic Review of Professional Services
- Service reviews
- About Professional Services Together
- Oxford’s professional services: taking a strategic view
- Wadham: widening participation through partnerships
- Living and working with endometriosis
- Preventing Harm
- 15% off Blenheim Fun Run this May
- Fire & Wire: the Vice-Chancellor's new podcast
- University VPN service upgrade
- Winners of the Vice-Chancellor’s Professional Services Awards 2023 announced
- Sign-up to Oxford's Digital Digest
- Strengthening our cybersecurity competency
- Insights from a Wellbeing Champion
- Marta Lesiak
- Akiko Frellesvig, Bahar Uygur, Nims Damney and Shannon Beesley
- Emma Osborne
- Supporting our staff and students in Trinity term
- Oxford's Research Collaboration Values
- Childcare Services Briefing
- Supporting You – A Dad’s Perspective
- Thriving as a team – using a Daily Update
- Painting plants
- Everyone can thrive at Oxford
- Financial Wellbeing: Empowering Women and Breaking Outdated Biases
- Nutrition and Physiological Health - “Is sugar really killing us?”
- Supporting You with Care Responsibilities
- Investigative assignments are now concluding
- The Science and Art of Crafting Better Wellbeing - An introduction and overview
- Phase 1: The foundation phase
- Phase 2
- Speak to the team
- Our approach
- About Digital Transformation
- Making Oxford a welcoming community for refugees
- How you use the University’s VPN service changed on 26 April
- Taking part in the University’s decision-making processes
- Welcome to Thriving at Oxford 2023 and Wellbeing at work keynote
- Take some time to volunteer or reflect
- University response to the situation in Sudan
- Improving the X5 experience
- Practical strategies to support your mental health
- We're all transforming
- Working together to plan for the unexpected
- Homepage
- Celebrating Learning at Work Week
- New appointment: University’s Local and Global Engagement Officer
- Sackler: relationship review
- Launch of new accessible document templates for GAAD 2023
- Investigative assignment outcomes
- Jeanette Roberts, Larysa Redka, Rebecca Salisbury and Tara Holmes
- Irina Lepadatu
- Neaveeda Ali
- Change to IT Regulations to prevent blanket email forwarding
- Assessments End-to-End Process Review
- Developing the future of assessment
- People teams in a changing world of work
- Learn, discover, inspire: using CI to reduce everyday frustrations – register now!
- International Museum Day 2023
- Student Lifecycle and Outreach
- Online Course Partnership and Platform
- Student Hub
- Course Information Ecosystem Review
- Trusted Research Environment
- Next Stage Plan Research Computing
- Physical Teaching Spaces
- Mobility: Device Management and support
- Identity Management
- Review IT and Environmental Sustainability
- Future-Proofing Wi-Fi 5G
- CRM - Internal Communications
- External Communication (Web Publishing)
- Risk Management
- Space booking and utilisation
- Approaches to Design (Usability)
- Accessibility Review
- Working together in uncertain times
- Developing plans for the future of the University estate
- Oxford’s new digital governance framework and operating model - FAQs
- Language Centre to integrate with the Department of Continuing Education
- Staff Wellbeing Champions Network
- Introducing Oxford’s new Digital Governance and Delivery approach
- Thriving at Oxford 2023
- Health Assured
- Oxford Digital Festival 2024
- Taking a new approach to attracting talent
- Mark Spooner
- Ellie Thompson
- Tamara Sanchez
- Monika Bell
- Reflections on the past academic year
- Long-term plans agreed for UAS Space
- Wellbeing at Oxford: our progress so far
- Supporting Oxford’s technical staff
- Freedom of speech and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion rights
- Change to IT Regulations to prevent blanket email forwarding
- Meet the Chair of the Pay & Conditions Committee
- Fire & Wire: wellbeing in the workplace
- New Programme Change Manager for Digital Governance appointed
- Jingwen Kyropoulos
- Beata Giglio
- Before you start
- When you start
- Professional Services staff
- Your first weeks
- New to the University
- Cyber Security Interest Group Threat Updated Session CLOSED
- Foodies Festival: staff discount 2024
- Things to do before you start
- Cyber Security Competency Centre
- Workflow and Automation Competency Centre
- Cloud Computing for Research Competency Centre
- Delivering a sustainable staff counselling service
- Pay & Conditions: professional services pay benchmarking workshop
- Vernal Scott appointed Head of the Equality and Diversity Unit
- Attend the 2023 Professional Services Conference
- Digital skills at your fingertips
- Health Assured Information Sessions
- Thriving at Oxford Roadshow
- Our momentum continues
- Cybersecurity training is underway
- Oxford's digital transformation continues
- National Postdoc Appreciation Week 2023
- Keeping Oxford secure: what we can all do to protect the University from cyber threats
- Message from the Vice-Chancellor: Professor David Gann
- Imogen Harris
- Abderrahim Bouziane
- Lisa Crook
- Alice Willington
- Staff Mental Health First Aider Guidance
- Soothe Socials
- Celebrating Excellence in Teaching
- Oxford Digital Festival CLOSED
- Academic and research roles
- What can the Workflow and Automation Competency Centre do for you?
- What is the Gazette?
- Achievements of our professional services staff
- Pay & Conditions: benchmarking workshop
- Mental Health First Aider Resources
- University of Oxford eDocuments service
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Vice-Chancellor acts on homelessness
- Oxford Research File Service (RFS) available for storing your live research data
- New programme director for Digital Transformation
- Let's talk financial wellbeing
- Digital Oxford Podcast
- Insights and actions from this year’s Staff Experience Survey
- Digital Transformation Update: October 2023
- Research Portfolio initiatives
- Education Portfolio initiatives
- Administration Portfolio initiatives
- Engagement and Dissemination Portfolio initiatives
- Technology Portfolio initiatives
- Vicarious Trauma Workshop
- What is University Bulletin
- Navigating our digital future
- Pay and conditions: benefits workshop
- USS Q&A: why are they consulting?
- Transcript: video message from the Vice-Chancellor
- Current initiatives
- Academic Writing Month 2023
- Oxford Digital Festival 2023
- Pay & Conditions: Investment in people workshop
- Reducing our energy usage this winter and beyond
- Katie Glover
- Bea Krzysztan
- Evette Wood & Veronica Rydh-Smith
- Stephanie Hirmer
- Case studies
- Information & Digital Governance Committee initiatives
- Analysing our Professional Services
- Guidance for interview panel members
- The Confident Manager series
- Pay & Conditions: Committee Chair's update
- Pay & Conditions: pay benchmarking and reward policies and procedures workshop
- Men’s Health Awareness Month
- Oxford University secures £10k funding from Nominet for the charity Asylum Welcome
- How can we use AI in Oxford’s digital transformation?
- AI in Oxford: experiments, tools and ways of working
- Academic Career and Reward Framework project
- Transcript: Vice-Chancellor's end of term message
- Supporting Oxford's digital transformation
- Digital Transformation: Review and Preview
- Competency Centres Annual Review 2023
- Resolved to improve your fitness in 2024?
- Transcript: Vice-Chancellor's start of Hilary term 2024 message
- Oxford Digital Festival: AI Art Competition
- The Vice-Chancellor's Colloquium on Climate
- Helping our staff develop and thrive
- Pay & Conditions review update
- Bullying and Harassment: Pilot of Report + Support tool
- Growing our colleagues’ digital competencies
- Let's talk about finances
- Lord Patten announces his retirement as Chancellor of the University
- The Education portfolio begins pilots using the new Agile delivery mode
- The History of Science Museum celebrates its centenary
- Sustainable triumphs: Green Initiatives at Oxford
- Pay & Conditions: next steps
- Oxford's Digital Landscape
- Oxford Kafka 2024: campaign to celebrate the life and legacy of Franz Kafka
- AI and ML Competency Centre
- University to adopt online research ethics application system
- Alycia Leonard
- Tracy Gunnett
- Giselle Lee, Hannah Lonsdale and Neesha Devi
- Julie Hickman
- Mark Grundy, Jamie Sutton and Dan Hollidge
- Andrew Francis
- Staff Gateway: Use of cookies on this website
- Transcript: Vice-Chancellor's end of Hilary term 2024 message
- Oxford's 'Student Hub' will use the MyDay platform
- What is the Improving Wireless Programme?
- Working on Oxford's Digital Transformation: Meet the team
- Celebrating the difference that professional services staff are making
- Preparing for our digital leap
- Student Information Systems (SITS) Agile delivery team ‘squad’ gets started
- Five things you can do for Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2024
- Wellbeing focus groups to inform student support services
- Chancellor: changes to election process
- Prof. David Gavaghan; Dr. Martin Robinson
- Andrea Kastner
- Amoret Spooner
- Alex Purbrick
- Bonny Varghese
- Bethan Davies
- Abigail Hipkin
- Sean Robinson
- Helen Cullen
- Esmee Barwood
- The future of digital training at Oxford
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report 2022–23
- Help shape the employee experience at Oxford
- Transcript: Vice-Chancellor's start of Trinity term 2024 message
- TMS (Teaching Management System) pilot squad starts sprinting
- Staff profile: Dr Fiona Whitehouse
- Working on Oxford's Digital Transformation: Emma Hatfield, Senior Business Analyst
- Developing a new Academic Career & Reward Framework
- The USS website
- Additional Voluntary Contributions
- Improving Wi-Fi at the collegiate University
- Workflow and Automation Competency Centre streamlines VC Awards entry process
- USS communications: updates, messages and responses
- Exploring Oxford's GLAM sites
- First objects move into Collections Teaching and Research Centre
- The changing face of research support
- Announcing the winners of the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards 2024
- How can the AI and Machine Learning Competency Centre help you transform your work?
- Generative AI Enterprise Licence Pilot
- Nicole Cunningham
- Debbie Buswell
- Lyndie Hayes
- Geonhee Monaghan
- Richard Ovenden and Ann Evans
- Monika Bell
- Cathy Gannon
- Oxford marks first anniversary as University of Sanctuary
- Oxford’s LGBTQI Task and Finish Group
- Making AI a reality for everyone at Oxford
- Vice-Chancellor's message to staff and students about the situation in Gaza
- Thriving at Oxford Action Plan 2024-25
- Improving TMS, Explained
- Keeping Oxford Secure
- Building on our access and participation progress
- Celebrating ten years of the Temporary Staffing Service
- How-to guide: Employee Self-Service
- Oxford Interfaith Friendship Walk
- The Student App 'MyOxford', Explained
- How the Student Fees and Funding team saved hours of manual work
- Hundreds of colleagues paving the way for AI at Oxford
- Outcomes of the University's Pay & Conditions review
- Continuous improvements for TMS
- Powering up your performance and potential
- University response to the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act
- Where can the cloud take your research?
- Saïd's Olympic success stories
- Competency Centres, Explained
- An update on Oxford's Improving Wireless Programme
- Investing in digital accessibility
- Digitising paper processes with the On-Course Applications project
- Our Competency Centres are growing
- Recent violence and unrest: support for staff and students
- How research colleagues are developing their digital competencies
- AI and ML Competency Centre, FAQs
- Mental Health Awareness Training
- Professional Services Conference 2024
- Oxford Guide 2024/25
- National Postdoc Appreciation Week Celebrations 2024/25
- Improving Wi-Fi across the University
- The Online Education Hub, Explained
- How-to guide: Employee Self-Service - check annual leave balance and request annual leave
- How-to guide: Employee Self-Service - Complete sickness absence
- How-to guide: Manager Self-Service - Login to HR Self-Service
- How-to guide: Manager Self-Service - Navigate to Manager Dashboard and view team member records
- How-to guide: Manager Self-Service Return to Employee Self-Service
- How-to guide: Manager Self-Service - approve annual leave
- How-to guide: Manager Self-Service - record annual leave, sickness and other absences
- How-to guide: Manager Self-Service - Log out securely
- A framework fit for the future of education and research at Oxford
- Find out more about our Estate Services teams
- Skills and resources
- Resources for individuals
- What it takes to digitally transform a university
- Taking the leap into automation could save you days of manual work
- Workflow and Automation Competency Centre, Explained
- The People and Finance Service Transformation (PFST) programme, Explained
- Appointments made to senior professional services roles
- Peace vigil
- Thriving at Oxford - next steps
- Resources for teams
- Popular skills and resources
- Events and on-demand learning
- Past event recordings
- Reflections on this year’s Professional Services Conference
- Adventures in Consciousness
- On-demand learning
- Retirement support for University staff
- Who's behind it all
- Upcoming events
- Transcript: Vice-Chancellor's start of Michaelmas term 2024 message
- Everyone Belongs: Collegiate University Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Plan launches
- AI and ML Competency Centre, Training
- AI and ML Competency Centre, Staff
- AI and ML Competency Centre, Projects
- AI and ML Competency Centre, Generative AI Tools
- Ryan McGinley
- Keith Norman
- Maria Spiga, Bethan Cobourne, Dyrol Lumbard, Evan Nedyalkov
- Emma Morris
- Kylea Draper
- Neaveeda Ali
- Online Education Hub
- What is research culture and what are we doing about it
- How risk, compliance and assurance underpin academic excellence
- Online Education Strategy Group
- Inside the University: understanding how it functions
- Managing leave, absence, timesheets and rostering in HR Self-Service
- Buying Generative AI Licences
- How-to guide: Employee Self-Service - complete career and professional development reviews
- How-to guide: Employee Self-Service - record professional development
- Career Development Reviews and Professional Development time tracking for researchers
- How-to guide: Manager Self-Service - finalise career and professional development reviews
- How-to guide: Manager Self-Service - view Reviewee's professional development
- The Oxford–Berlin Research Partnership
- Transforming our People and Finance Services
- Vice-Chancellor’s Council Update
- Oxford in winter: your photos
- New Statutory Professors welcomed at Oxford
- New tool launched to help researchers choose cloud providers
- Online Education Hub service now live
- Relive the Oxford Digital Festival 2024
- Not just a pretty interface: Understanding the True Essence of UX
- Manage your details
- Microsoft first policy
- Pay & Conditions: making progress
- Reimagining our professional services at a time of change
- UX through the development process
- The AI and ML Competency Centre is now rooted in the OeRC
- User experience (UX) Centre of Excellence
- UX Resources
- Accessing your eVisa for UK visa holders
- Transcript: Vice-Chancellor's message for the end of Michaelmas term 2024
- AI and ML Competency Centre, Resources for Researchers
- About the UX Team
- Digital strides
- Vice-Chancellor’s Council Update
- Digital Governance Unit (DGU), Explained
- Your questions answered: Conference of Colleges
- University’s Annual Report and Accounts published
- How Oxford staff are working with the Workflow and Automation Competency Centre to simplify their work
- AI and me - productivity and workload efficiency
- Unlocking AI across the University
- How to create a survey
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Explained
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Programme
- Become a UX Champion
- Growing good governance at Oxford
- Improve your UX skills
- UX Services
- Transcript: Vice-Chancellor's message for the start of Hilary term 2025
- User Experience (UX) Centre of Excellence, Explained
- Over 100 colleagues’ cyber security skills boosted through competency centre
- Quick start guides
- Enhance your wellbeing quick start guide
- Continuous Improvement quick start guide
- Become a UX Champion!
- The Academic Career and Reward Framework's 2025 ambitions
- AI and me – improving communication and collaboration
- Reflecting on our financial position
- Discover your potential through inrehearsal
- DeepSeek AI - Guidance for Safe Use
- Environmental sustainability and the humanities perspective
- Build-a-Bot: Hands-on AI for All
- Investing in our people
- Vice-Chancellor’s Council Update: 20 January meeting
- Guidance on recently reported alleged OpenAI data breach
- AI and me - supporting learning and development
- 5 minutes with... Rachel Meyrick, Interim Head of the DGU
- Professor Sue Iversen (1940–2025)
- Why "we don't have time" isn't good enough
- Vice-Chancellor’s Council Update: 10 February meeting
- Oxford: rise in World Reputation Rankings
- Show me, help me, skill me: How Competency Centres are supporting upskilling in digital transformation