Digital Governance Unit (DGU), Explained

We explain the new Digital Governance Unit (DGU), what it is, why it is being implemented and when it will come into being.

What is the DGU?  

DGU stands for Digital Governance Unit. It is a new business function at the University of Oxford and sits within UAS alongside IT Services, HR, Estates and all other UAS departments. The DGU will report into Professor Anne Trefethen as Pro-Vice Chancellor for Digital. 

Why do we need a function like the DGU?  

The new governance framework has placed the responsibility for the governance of digital investments in a number of portfolio areas. The DGU will support those portfolios - it will provide the standards and consistent processes and approaches to ensure that the investments are leading to a coherent set of digital services. It will also support the planning and coordination required to allow coherence across the portfolios. 

What will the DGU do?   

The aim of the DGU is primarily to be the glue that keeps the digital portfolios aligned and coordinated. This unit will be key to ensuring appropriate communications and planning of technology and other changes that impact multiple portfolios. It will be the point of coordination of all the Portfolio Leads. Its remit is to provide expertise and support to portfolios in terms of cross- cutting responsibilities and capabilities, to be a change agent, but also monitor and provide assurance of adherence to principles and processes.  

Its support activities will include, for example, enterprise architecture, user experience, innovation, and programme management support. Whilst the specific details are being planned, at this stage we can indicate that there will be teams focused on four key areas: process guidance and assurance, governance; architectural design authority; transformation and change; and strategic partner and vendor management.  

What specifically?  

The DGU will enable the institution to transform how it delivers digital services. Primarily, it will:   

  • help embed Oxford’s new digital governance framework and delivery model to better align investments with Oxford’s strategic priorities;  
  • enable the shift to a more agile continuous improvement delivery approach which keeps end-users at the heart of digital services;  
  • through partnership and collaboration, nurture Oxford’s culture to help deliver University shared infrastructure services; and
  • set standards and architecture to support coherent, secure solution design of digital services.

Will this be a support function or a control function?  

The DGU will be both a support and control function working on behalf of the collegiate University. It will have the delegated authority from the IDC (Information and Digital Committee) to control and influence how the digital portfolios achieve their outcomes based on agreed standards and principles for design and delivery of digital services. And it will support to the digital portfolios to help them achieve their digital ambitions.  

How will the DGU be resourced?  

The teams in the initial DGU already exist within other areas mainly the digital transformation programme and IT Services. These teams and individuals will move from their current department into the newly formed DGU. Rest assured, every individual impacted by this change will be kept informed and consulted as appropriate in line with University guidance and policy.   

Why is it taking so long to find out what’s happening to me or my team?  

A working group is developing the detailed design of the DGU and the organisational change plan. We want to communicate the details in the right order so individuals moving to the DGU are consulted and advised first and foremost before we make any broader announcements.  

How is the DGU being created?  

A working group is developing a phased implementation approach to create the DGU. The working group includes Michelle Rice (Lead), Dave Smith, Jenny Lister, Ian Teasdale, Felicity Laidler-Green, Lukasz Bohdan, and David White. The group is developing a plan for this first phase, by:  

  • Clarifying roles in the DGU 
  • Mapping existing roles to new roles  
  • Creating a detailed change plan 
  • When ready, consulting individuals and teams on the plan  
  • Planning to communicate throughout the process.  

Who will run the DGU?  

The new department will report to the PVC Digital and will be led by the Head of DGU. The substantive postholder for this role is currently on secondment. As of February 2025, Rachel Meyrick was appointed as Interim Head of the DGU. You can read more about Rachel in 5 minutes with... Rachel Meyrick, Interim Head of the DGU.

What will be the remit of the Interim Head of DGU?   

Rachel Meyrick will shape the vision and lay the foundations for a department that fosters collaboration, drives digital governance, and aligns with the institution’s digital ambitions. The focus for this interim role in the first few months will be on the formative stages of the unit: bringing together cross-functional teams, defining processes, and establishing the core principles, culture, and operational structure of the DGU.  

When will we find out more about the DGU?  

We anticipate that changes resulting from the introduction of this new business unit will be implemented during HT25 and the unit coming into being in Trinity term 2025. If you’d like to discuss specific details about the DGU, please start by having a conversation with your line manager who can liaise with their director and Michelle Rice (HR) if appropriate.  

Find out more

If you’d like to discuss specific details about the DGU, please start by having a conversation with your line manager who can liaise with their director and Michelle Rice (HR) if appropriate.