Professional Services Together

Professional Services Together is a collaborative programme working to enhance professional services delivery and to support our staff to thrive across Oxford.

It sets out our collective ambition for how we work in support of the University's mission, focused on our shared principles of collaboration, quality and our people. It’s about supporting, inspiring and empowering you in your career, removing barriers and inefficiencies, and sharing resources and best practice to make life easier and better for all of us. It supports us as professional services staff to do our jobs and play our part in delivering of the University’s academic ambition. 

Through a range of activities and initiatives, from locally led change to strategic planning, the programme aims to build on the high quality of Oxford’s professional services across the University by empowering us all to innovate and make effective changes of any scale together. It's principles and resources help colleagues to deliver improvements they identify and work so hard on.

The work of the programme is taking place across three broad areas: People and Change, individual Service Reviews, and a Strategic Review. Professional Services Together is a group effort delivered by teams from the Planning and Council Secretariat (PACS), including Focus and People and Organisational development (POD). 

Find out more

Explore the site to find out about the structure of the programme and discover a growing range of resources and solutions developed for both individuals and teams.

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Professional Services Together



Contact us

The Professional Services Together team:

University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD