Professional services and University administration

Our professional services are also known collectively as the University Administration and Services (UAS).

Their purpose is to

  • support the University’s core academic purposes of teaching, learning and research
  • ensure the University can meet the requirements of government, funding bodies and other external agencies
  • facilitate the attainment of the objectives set out in the University’s Strategic Plan

Role of the Registrar

The Registrar, Gill Aitken, is the senior administrator within the University. The formal responsibilities of the Registrar, who is appointed by Council, are set out in the University’s Statutes and Regulations. This legislation defines the Registrar as the principal adviser on strategic policy to the Vice-Chancellor and to Council. The Registrar is also secretary to both Congregation and Council, and is responsible, under the Vice-Chancellor, for leading the management and administration of the University’s affairs.

Professional Services (UAS) sections

Professional services in the central University are grouped into sections. The heads of Professional Services sections predominantly report to the Registrar.

Further information about the work of each section, together with contact details can be found below.


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Enquiries: 01865 (2)70108


Postal address: Academic Administration Division, University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD

Academic Registrar: Saira Shaikh

Executive Assistant: Camille Rougelot

The Academic Administration Division (AAD) is the University’s group of services focused on students and learning. The AAD provides the support and information that students need to thrive in their academic and personal lives. It works with staff and students across the collegiate University to support students from before they join Oxford until they leave. In particular it focuses on student recruitment, student services, student administration and educational policy.

The Academic Registrar reports to the Registrar.

The AAD’s sections are:

Careers Service

Works across the University to help students develop their employability skills and make the best informed decisions. They also work with recruiters to promote opportunities.

Education Policy Support

Develops the University’s education policy and manages quality assurance.

Graduate Admissions

Oversees the graduate admissions process, supporting applications, departments and colleges.

Language Centre

The language hub for all Oxford students and staff.

Centre for Teaching & Learning

Provides advice and guidance on course design, adopting technology and digital resources, and assisting in pilots of new teaching methods.


Provides all sports facilities, services and opportunities to the great University community.

Student Fees and Funding

Supports prospective and current students and the collegiate University on all aspects of fees and funding.

Student Systems

Development and support of core IT systems for academic administration.

Student Registry

Oversees student records, University examination and assessments, data analysis and reporting, degree ceremonies, student information, and visas and immigration.

Student Welfare and Support Services

Responsible for student welfare provision across the University.

Undergraduate Admissions and Outreach

Provides a central undergraduate admissions service for colleges and applicants.

Proctors’ Office

Upholds legislation, policy and practice by scrutinising governance and operations.


Postal address: Assurance Directorate, University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD

Director of Assurance: Lukasz Bohdan

Executive Assistant: Tui Solomon
The Assurance Directorate supports the Registrar across a wide and demanding range of legislative and regulatory issues. It promotes the benefits of, and improves the University’s approach to, compliance issues.
The Directorate is responsible for ensuring the University has adequate and effective arrangements for the provision of assurance to Council and to its regulator, the Office for Students, across the University’s activities. The Directorate oversees the effective functioning of the University’s risk management processes and its internal control framework in support of the objectives set out in the Strategic Plan.
The Directorate leads across departmental boundaries to provide assurance over compliance with the University’s legal, regulatory and other obligations, and its framework of policies and processes, and provides specialist advice and support to the Registrar and senior officers of the University as well as managing relationships with intercollegiate and external bodies, and regulatory authorities.
The Directorate encompasses a number of the University’s Professional Services teams who work collaboratively across key areas including Assurance, Compliance, Information Security and Risk Management:
The Director of Assurance reports to the Registrar.

Enquiries: 01865 (6)11530


Postal address: Development and Alumni Engagement, University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD

Chief Development and Alumni Engagement Officer: Liesl Elder
Senior Executive Assistant: Amanda Mitchell

Executive Director of Development: Antony Green
Director of Advancement Operations: Kate Lawton

Director of Global Philanthropy: Dr Liz Miller

Interim Director of Alumni Engagement: Claire Grainger

Development and Alumni Engagement’s  (DAE) mission is to help secure philanthropic support for the University, and build an engaged, informed and active alumni community. Through working in partnership with academic, development, and alumni colleagues throughout the collegiate University, DAE builds enduring relationships with external constituencies – including alumni, non-alumni, corporate and foundation donors – and increases financial support for agreed academic priorities.

As one of the central administrative departments of the University, DAE collaborates closely with a number of other units and teams, particularly Public Affairs, Finance, Research, and Legal etc. 

In 2019, the University and the colleges completed the Oxford Thinking Campaign, which raised £3.34bn, and is the most successful fundraising campaign in higher education in Europe. The University is currently planning its next major campaign, and all members of DAE will play a role in helping realise its successful delivery.

In addition to front-line fundraising and alumni engagement staff, DAE has a number of teams that cover particular support functions. These include:

  • Donor Relations
  • Events
  • Prospect Research
  • International Engagement
  • Development and Alumni Relations Systems (DARS) (which supports the Development and Alumni Relations database)
  • Communications
  • Marketing and Insights

DAE works closely with the Gift Registry, part of the Finance Division, which records and processes donations received by the University and on behalf of colleges. In addition, there are four overseas offices whose remit includes development and alumni engagement; these offices are located in North America, Japan, Hong Kong, and Switzerland.

DAE is led by Liesl Elder, Chief Development and Alumni Engagement Officer, who reports to the Vice-Chancellor.


Divisional Registrar: Alexandra Vincent

Tel: 01865 (2)70555


Postal address: Humanities Division, Radcliffe Humanities, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6GG

Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences (MPLS)

Divisional Registrar: Dr Tracy Gale

Tel: 01865 (2)82570


Postal address: Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences, 9 Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PD

Medical Sciences

Divisional Registrar: Chris Price

Tel: 01865 (2)89565


Postal address: Medical Sciences Office, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford, OX3 9DU

Social Sciences

Divisional Registrar: David White

Tel: 01865 (6)14852


Postal address: Social Sciences, Hayes House, 75 George Street, Oxford, OX1 2BQ

Gardens, Libraries and Museums (GLAM)

GLAM Registrar and Chief Operating Officer: Lindsay Rudge 



Postal address: Gardens, Libraries and Museums Divisional Office, Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PW

The divisional offices of the four academic divisions within the University support the work of divisional boards and their constituent faculties and departments; undertake much of the day-to-day work relating to planning and resource allocation, the administration of academic appointments, on-course graduate administration, and the detailed supervision of education and research. Their responsibilities cover budgeting and financial planning, educational provision, and academic policy across their divisions, with a particular role in monitoring and quality assurance.

The Gardens, Libraries and Museums of the University of Oxford contain some of the world's most significant collections. Overseen by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (People & GLAM), the division comprises the four University museums – Ashmolean, History of Science, Natural History and Pitt Rivers; the Bodleian Libraries; and the Oxford Botanic Garden & Arboretum. Both individually and collectively, the collections are integral to the delivery of the University’s strategic aims of teaching, research and widening participation. They also embody the public face of the University and represent the front door to the wealth of knowledge and research curated by and generated at Oxford.

The Divisional Registrars report to the Registrar.

Enquiries: 01865 (2)78750


Postal address: Estates Services, The Malthouse, Tidmarsh Lane, Oxford, OX1 1NQ

Director of Estates: Trevor Payne
PA to the Director of Estates: Anna Gaw

Estates Services is responsible for the management and strategic development of the University’s functional and commercial estate comprising 443 buildings and the infrastructure associated with them. The University’s functional estate covers more than 260 buildings – and spaces between them – that are used for specialist research, teaching laboratories and lecture halls, sports facilities, libraries and museums, and administrative and ceremonial activities. Over 180 other properties in and around Oxford form the commercial estate which includes accommodation for the University’s graduate students as well as office space, warehouses, and agricultural land and property.

The day-to-day responsibilities of Estates Services include: the management of the University’s capital building programme – aimed at delivering world-class new buildings; planned and reactive repairs and maintenance including upkeep of some of the finest buildings in the city; facilities management for a growing number of University buildings and departments; the provision of key central services such as the mail room and reprographics services; maintaining a safe and secure physical environment for staff, students and visitors; the allocation of space for departmental use; property acquisitions, disposals and leases; managing accommodation for graduate students; conserving Wytham Woods and the University Parks, and managing gardens and landscapes across the estate; developing and implementing carbon reduction strategies across the University, and helping staff and students to make sustainable workplace and travel choices.

The Director of Estates reports to the Registrar.

Enquiries: 01865 (6)16131


Postal address: Finance Division, University of Oxford, 23-38 Hythe Bridge Street, Oxford, OX1 2ET

Chief Financial Officer: Mr Simon Boddie

The Finance Division interacts with a wide range of officers on financial issues, including those at Oxford University Press and Oxford University Innovation. The Division also advises Council and other relevant University bodies on financial strategy; prepares the University’s financial statements, its operating plans and forecasts; and has oversight of the capital planning process and treasury management.

The Finance Division provides advice and information on financial matters affecting all University departments, divisions and subsidiary companies. The Division comprises a range of support services, including:

  • financial operations: purchasing, supplier payments, payroll and expense payments, petty cash, accounts receivable, financial systems and training;
  • financial reporting: management and statutory accounts, subsidiary company accounts, research accounts and gift registry;
  • financial support: divisional teams, financial training, financial assurance and communications; and
  • professional services: purchasing, treasury, insurance, tax and pensions.

The Finance Division operates both through specialist teams in the shared service centre in Hythe Bridge Street and dedicated divisional finance teams based in each divisional office.

Through the Financial Systems Support Centre, the Division also provides technical support and finance training to users of the Oracle Financials accounting system.

The Chief Financial Officer reports to the Vice Chancellor.

People Department

Enquiries: 01865 (2)89900

Postal address: People Department, Hayes House, 75 George Street, Oxford OX1 2BQ

Director of HR: Dr Markos Koumaditis
Executive Assistant to the Director: Kate Ogilvy

The Director oversees the People Department, which includes the People and Organisational Development team, the Equality and Diversity Unit, Childcare Services, the Occupational Health Service, the Safety Office and the Wellbeing programme. The People Department supports Council’s People Committee in the strategic development, implementation and review of comprehensive policies on all aspects of employment and employee relations.

The department’s day-to-day activity is focused on providing specialist advice to heads of department, chairs of faculty boards and departmental administrators in the context of an overall devolved approach to employment within the University. Staff are responsible for servicing various central staffing provisions, such as the joint consultative committees with employee representatives, grading, disciplinary appeals and certain elements of academic appointments. 

Childcare Services

Enquiries:  01865 (2)89841


Postal address: Childcare Services, University of Oxford, 92 Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 7ND

Head of Childcare Services: Joanne Mason

Equality and Diversity Unit

Enquiries: 01865 (2)89825


Postal address: Equality and Diversity Unit, Hayes House, 75 George Street, Oxford OX1 2BQ

Deputy Head of the Equality and Diversity Unit: Marilyn Verghis

Occupational Health Service

Enquiries: 01865 (2)82676 


Postal address: University Occupational Health Service, 10 Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PD

Interim Director of Occupational Health and Safety: Brian Jenkins
PA to the Director of Occupational Health and Safety: Lucia Browning

Safety Office

Enquiries: 01865 (2)70811


Postal address: University Safety Office, 10 Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PD

Interim Director of Occupational Health and Safety: Brian Jenkins
PA to the Director of the Occupational Health and Safety: Lucia Browning

People and Organisational Development

Enquiries: 01865 (2)86808


Postal address: People and Organisational Development, University of Oxford, Littlegate House, 16/17 St Ebbe's Street, Oxford, OX1 1PT

Interim Head of People and Organisational Development: Julie Rees

Wellbeing Programme


Postal address: Wellbeing Programme team, C/O University Occupational Health Service, 10 Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PD

Wellbeing Programme Manager: Frances Parkes

Enquiries: 01865 (2)80417


Postal address: International Engagement, University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2JD

Office Administrator: Vicky Taylor

The International Engagement office aims to combine its expertise in higher education internationalisation and its analytic ability with other departments’ specialist expertise in order to identify opportunities and develop international activity. The work of the office includes designing initiatives and policy to secure Oxford’s international goals; collecting, creating, storing, analysing and publishing data on aspects of international activity; identifying, analysing and summarising international opportunities and risks for the University; coordinating country and regional networks and drafting international collaborative agreements; and arranging visits to Oxford by international partners and advising on foreign travel by senior University staff. Almost all of the International Engagement office’s activities are carried out in collaboration with other University departments.

IT Service Desk: 01865 (6)12345

Technical enquiries:


Postal addresses:
IT Services, Dartington House, University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD (administrative address)
IT Services, 13 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 6NN

Interim Chief Information Officer, Head of IT Services: Stuart Lee
PA to the Chief Information Officer: Carol Steels

IT Services is the central IT department dedicated to supporting the University of Oxford in its mission as a world-leading research and teaching university. The work of IT Services is wide-ranging and diverse: as well as the core IT systems, tools and services that keep the University running day-to-day, IT Services provides innovative services and projects to support teaching, research and widening engagement.

Delivery of IT services across the collegiate University is a collaborative activity requiring partnership between central IT, the academic divisions, departments and colleges, to implement the University’s IT Strategic Plan. IT Services partners with business services to deliver programmes of change to support effectively the administrative operation of the University.  

The Interim Chief Information Officer, Stuart Lee, reports to the Registrar.

Enquiries: 01865 (2)70126

Postal address: Legal Services, University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford  OX1 2JD;
(for property matters, planning and construction issues): Legal Services, Estates Directorate, The Malthouse, Tidmarsh Lane, Oxford OX1 1NQ

Director of Legal Services and General Counsel: Andrew Mackie 
Office Manager & Executive Assistant: Megan Ramsay

The Legal Services Office provides legal advice across the University and to all the University's subsidiary companies over a wide area, including joint ventures; commercial law; competition law; procurement; risk management and insurance; finance; banking; tax; governance; education law; employment; student issues; harassment; discrimination; conflict of interest; trusts; data protection; freedom of information; intellectual property; real property; planning; construction; and the environment. Although it does not advise individuals in their private capacities, it may act where there is a University interest in an individual’s case.

The Director of Legal Services reports to the Registrar. He and his legal colleagues also liaise with the Conference of Colleges Legal Panel on issues of relevance to the collegiate University as a whole, but they do not act for the colleges.

Enquiries: 01865 (2)70008



Postal address: Council Secretariat, University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD

Director of Planning & Council Secretariat: Antony Willott

PA to the Director of Planning and Council Secretariat: Martina Harley

The Planning and Council Secretariat team are responsible for supporting the University’s Governance processes including Congregation and Council and its committees. The team is also responsible for the University’s annual planning process, for capital planning and for the University’s strategic plan and its implementation. Our resource allocation section operates the Joint Resource Allocation Mechanism (JRAM), which allocates teaching and research income to departments and colleges, and the Service Charge and Space Charge which apportions central overhead costs.

In addition we maintain the University statutes and regulations, oversee the University’s Trusts and manage congregation and convocation elections.

Governance team

The Governance team in Planning and Council Secretariat is responsible for matters relating to the University’s governance, including the servicing of Council and a number of its committees, including the General Purposes Committee, and meetings of Congregation.

The team maintains the University’s statutes and regulations and is responsible for a wide range of other areas of work, including elections by Congregation and Convocation, and the maintenance of Congregation membership.

University’s Trusts and manage congregation and convocation elections.


Focus is the University's change and continuous improvement team. It works on a range of activities including services reviews, projects and consultancy, to support the University’s professional services strategy and empower staff to shape better ways of working.

The Focus team partner with faculties and departments, to collaborate and enable improvement activities using proven tools and methodologies.

Enquiries: 01865 (2)80529

Postal address: Public Affairs Directorate (PAD), University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD

Director of Public Affairs and Communications: James Colman
Executive Assistant to the Director of Public Affairs and Communications: Rebecca Hedges

The role of PAD is to increase understanding of the aims and activities of the University, including its constituent departments, faculties and colleges. It also promotes effective internal communication within Oxford’s large and dispersed institutional structure.

PAD manages media relations and University news; produces a wide range of University publications, including the student prospectuses, the Gazette, University Bulletin and digital content for the alumni channel Oxford Today; runs the University’s Design Studio and image library; oversees use of the University brand; manages the content of the top levels of the University website and the University core social media sites; organises major University events; and advises on internal and external communications activity, and community and government relations.



Postal address: Research Services, University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2JD.

Director of Research Services: Dr Stephen Conway 
Executive Assistant to the Director of Research Services: Tiffany Gardner

Research Services works with Oxford’s researchers, divisions, departments, collaborators and funders to facilitate world-class research.

Research Services' responsibilities include providing advice and information on funding opportunities, supporting major bids, reviewing and authorising applications, accepting new awards, sponsor liaison, negotiating research-related contracts, advising on the costing and pricing of research, clinical trials governance, human research ethics and research integrity, facilitating intellectual property management, regional partnerships in research and innovation, fostering public engagement with research, supporting the work of the Research Committee and related groups, and helping to profile the impacts of Oxford research. 

The Director of Research Services reports to the Registrar.

Registrar's Office

Enquiries: 01865 (2)70233
Postal address: Registrar’s Office, University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD

Registrar: Mrs Gill Aitken CB,

Head of the Registrar's Office:  Cathy King,

Executive Assistant and Diary Manager: Savita Anderson, 



The Registrar’s Office does not have access to any student information.

For students or former students who require a degree certificate, degree confirmation letter or academic transcript, or for employers, prospective employers or other educational institutes seeking to verify qualifications from the University of Oxford, please visit the Graduation & Leaving Oxford webpage.