You will still have access to the free tier of approved Generative AI tools, including basic Microsoft Copilot and ChatGPT. We may have more licences available later this year and will reconsider applications should they become available. For more information about how to use these tools safely, please refer to this guide.
If you are paying for a subscription to a service, you can continue doing that. If you are interested in subscribing to a particular AI-powered tool, the AI & Machine Learning Support Competency Centre may be able to provide discounted access or grants to test specific functionality.
If you want to use one of these tools with University data, you can log into Copilot with your SSO and your data will be protected. You can also opt out of having your chats saved in ChatGPT.
Depending on your use case, you may find other helpful automation tools such as Power Automate, helpful. Contact the Workflow and Automation Competency Centre for more information.