Inside the University: understanding how it functions

Thank you for your valuable feedback. Your questions formed some key themes, particularly related to finance and the structure and governance of the University.

Below, you’ll find a summary of your responses and the steps we’re taking to address them.

We will continue to update this page as we explore ways to share information on the topics you’ve raised. 

This is a popular topic. The themes of your questions included asking about revenue streams, how money is allocated across the University and how we differ to other universities. You also asked about the colleges’ role in the financial well-being of the University and how the Joint Resource Allocations Method (JRAM) allocation works. 

Your questions have been sent to the Finance team to help shape the next staff event dedicated to Finance (scheduled for February 2025). We’re also seeking opportunities to help to explain how finance works at Oxford in future issues of University Bulletin. 

Many of you have expressed a desire to better understand the University’s structure and governance, particularly the roles of divisions, departments, schools and faculties. Join the Internal Communications team for an online meeting where we’ll explore these topics and discuss potential ways to clarify them for everyone. Register your interest to join the meeting by completing this short form – or use it to share your suggestions. 


You asked how delegations of authority work – whether professional services staff have decision-making authority or whether everything needs to go to a committee, and which committees deal with which decisions. 

We published an item in the University Bulletin on 8 October, highlighting a session led by Lara McCarthy, Head of Governance. This session focused on establishing a Growing Good Governance Community of Practice and provided insights into the main committees of the Council and the decision-making processes at Oxford. Additionally, we included a link to the Committees of Council webpages, which offer a comprehensive overview of the roles and memberships of the Council and its key committees. 

You asked about the different teams in Estates Services and their functions.  

We’ve added an article to the Staff Gateway that outlines the role of Estates teams. A link to this article was included in the University Bulletin on 23 September


You asked about the staff benefits available to you.

To keep you informed, we’ve reintroduced a regular feature in the University Bulletin. In most issues, we will highlight a specific staff benefit and direct you to the staff benefits webpages for information about all the other offers available, including discounts from external suppliers.

You asked about the internal and external workings of the Conference of Colleges and its relationship with the University. 

We will be collaborating with the Conference of Colleges on an article to share on the Staff Gateway and in the University Bulletin. 

You asked for a very simple explanation of how our pension schemes work. 

Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS)

We have run a few back-to-basic webinar sessions dealing with many elements of the USS scheme. The Q&As from those sessions are available to view on the University’s USS Hub in the Ask a Question section.  

You can also send your own pension query over to the University’s USS Working Group – details are available on the USS Hub

The USS site also has a lot of useful information and explanatory videos. Make sure you register for My USS to access all of the resources. 

Oxford Staff Pension Scheme (OSPS)

Please visit the OSPS homepage which provides useful links to details about the scheme.

Members who joined the scheme before 1 October 2017 have benefits in the Defined Benefit section.

Newer members join the investment-based section of the scheme called Investment Builder, which is largely administered by Legal and General.

Please contact the Pensions team if you have any queries

You asked about the plans for helping staff get into central Oxford with an integrated transport plan, especially with changes to the transport network being planned. 

Please visit the Housing and Transport section of the Pay & Condition webpages for details of work to be progressed by the end of Trinity term 2025. 

Other topics we’re currently looking into include:  

  • Understanding the roles of academics and fellows 
  • Sport offer to staff 
  • Understanding the role of Congregation.
  • Cyberattacks 

We welcome any further suggestions on how we can enhance staff understanding of the University - on any of the topics listed on this page and any others you may have.

Please use this short form to ask a question or provide feedback 

Thank you again to everyone who took the time to get in touch with a question. Every perspective is valuable to us and we will work with others to answer all your questions as soon as we can.