University Bulletin

The University Bulletin is usually issued once a fortnight during term time, and monthly out of term.

Expected forthcoming publication dates for 2024/25 are:

Hilary term

  • 24 March

Trinity term

  • 7 April
  • 6 May
  • 19 May
  • 2 June
  • 16 June

Summer 2025

  • 14 July
  • 11 August TBC
  • 8 September 
  • 22 September

Please contact the Internal Communications team at should you have any all-staff communications needs in between the scheduled issue dates.

The University Bulletin was first introduced in July 2018 on a monthly basis as Blueprint Bulletin, and became weekly from April 2020 until the end of Michaelmas 2021 in response to the communication needs of the coronavirus pandemic. It was renamed University Bulletin from October 2020 to help prevent any confusion with the now-discontinued Blueprint staff magazine.

  • All issues from 2018 to 2023 are available from the bottom of this page
  • All 2024 issues are available from the right-hand column of this page

The newsletter currently aims to provide University news, updates and features that reflect the University’s strategic priorities.

We continually review the performance of the University Bulletin and its content, including seeking the views of colleagues from across the University. We welcome any thoughts you may have (please email

The University Bulletin is separate from the Gazette, which is the University’s authorised journal of record.

How to submit an item

The newsletter is sent to all staff members and the information shared must be applicable to, or of interest to, colleagues. If you would like to submit a news item for consideration in the University Bulletin, please contact the Internal Communications team in the Public Affairs Directorate at

Please view the Publications and newsletters webpage for details of other channels issued across the University.

Submission guidelines

Please keep the word count below 50 and provide any relevant images. If your communication requires a call to action, please provide contact details or a webpage link with more information. Please avoid any jargon or acronyms.

The Internal Communications team will review and edit text where needed, and make the final decision on any image(s) to include.

All content should be received by 4pm on the Wednesday before the Monday on which you wish it to be published. Exceptions are made for unforeseen urgent news.

If you require a news item to be uploaded on the Staff Gateway, please also send us the copy in the same email – note that we require 250 words or more for news items.

Please avoid any jargon or acronyms. Please contact the Bulletin team ( if you would like to view more information in our Bulletin Contribution Guide.

Data protection

The University Bulletin is created and sent using Adestra, which is approved for use at the University by IT Services and Legal Services and accords with relevant data privacy and information security policies.

Adestra records how many times each email is opened and which links are clicked within it. The Internal Communications team in the Public Affairs Directorate will use an anonymised and aggregated form of this data to help ensure that the content is as relevant as possible.

Individual user data is not monitored, and no personal data is shared with any other teams within the University, or with third parties.

If you have any questions please contact

For more information, please view the University's staff privacy policy.
