How-to guide: Employee Self-Service

2.1.a Complete new starter details

Upon logging into HR Self-Service, the 'Social Hub' dashboard will appear. If it does not appear, navigate to it by clicking on Employee Dashboard and selecting Social Hub:

social hub

How to complete the 'Tasks'

A list of tasks related to your new starter details will appear under 'Tasks Outstanding' on the left-hand side. Before starting, read the guidance below in full.

  1. Click on the first task to begin.
  2. After reading and completing the required information, click 'COMPLETE' to move to the next task.
  3. Continue until all tasks move to the 'Tasks Completed' tab.

Ensure your details are entered accurately and in full.

For guidance on diversity details, visit the HR Data Guide webpage.

Note: Review and update any pre-populated information (eg from your applicant record or previous HR input) as needed.

Here are tips for navigating and completing tasks in Social Hub.

  • Hover your cursor over fields, to view full text.
  • Click 'COMPLETE' to progress to the next task. If you are unsure about what to enter and cannot find the relevant guidance on our webpages, consult your departmental HR contact.
  • You can return later to complete outstanding tasks; progress of completed items is automatically saved.
  • If you have entered something incorrectly, you are unable to update this after saving, please contact your departmental HR contact.

HEI stands for Higher Education Institution.

In this section, please provide the details of your most recent UK university (including polytechnics) employment.

Please provide your previous surname when you were in this role, if it differs from your surname now.

This section applies to academic teaching or research posts only.

Select up to five subjects (minimum of one) from the list, that you are teaching and/or researching in your role at Oxford.

This section applies to academic teaching posts only.

If teaching is part of your role, please add your teaching qualification as instructed on the screen in Social Hub.

This section applies to those working in clinical/pre-clinical departments only.

In this section, please complete the sub-section(s) that apply(ies) to you. If applicable, confirm that you will not have any clinical duties.

NB If you have or will have a clinical contract with the NHS (including honorary contracts) select at least one clinical specialty and related clinical sub-specialty (medical and dental staff), or one clinical specialty (for other professions, eg nursing).

For guidance on diversity details, please visit the HR Data Guide webpage.