How-to guide: Manager Self-Service - approve annual leave

Return HR Self-Service user guides webpage for links to alternative guidance.

2.a. Approve annual leave

To see a quick overview of the annual leave functionality, refer to our short promotional video.

Full detailed guidance below is for managers to follow when approving annual leave requests submitted by direct reports via HR Self-Service. 

The following online training is also available:

Note: This feature is currently limited to staff in participating departments which is being rolled out in stages throughout the University.  Liaise with your local HR team to confirm when your department will begin to use this functionality. 

  • The University's Holiday entitlement policy can be found on the HR Support webpages
  • Staff who have questions relating to leave entitlement and balance, should liaise directly with their local HR team.
  • The relevant departmental fixed closure and public holidays have been applied to staff appointment(s) along with any qualifying long service.
  • Staff contracted to work full-time hours will be given their entitlement in days.  Staff contracted to work part-time hours or who have a non-standard full-time hours working pattern, will be given their entitlement in hours.   
  • Once a staff member has submitted a request, an automatic email is sent to the manager recorded in HR Self-Service. 

Following receipt of the email notification inviting you to authorise the request, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Manager Dashboard.
  2. Identify the request from the My Approvals widget.
  3. Click View next to the relevant request.


Alternatively, click the APPROVALS button to see all leave requests. The numbered notification indicates the number of approvals outstanding. This option (and steps outlined above) will open the My Approvals screen.

  1. Where you have multiple requests, select the relevant request.  The details of the request will be displayed. 

If you wish see the individual's current annual leave balance:

  1. From the View Details button (top right of screen) select Balances
  2. Select View to see a detailed breakdown of the remaining balance.
  3. Exit the screen by selecting My Approvals from the top left of the screen.

Returning to the leave request:

  1. Click either:
    1. the Approve button - to approve the request.
    2. the Reject button - to reject the request. 

The individual will be notified by email of the outcome.

Log into HR Self-Service

You must be on the University's network / VPN



Having issues?

  1. Check the relevant user guide
  2. Visit the FAQs and Troubleshooting pages
  3. Still having problems? Contact your local HR for help.