About HR Self-Service


HR Self-Service is an online portal (hosted on PeopleXD) enabling staff to access HR and payroll data, update personal details and view payslips from any internet-connected device (via a University network or Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection). New starters can also provide their personal details through HR Self-Service.

Additionally, it allows staff in participating departments to request holidays, log sickness and absence, and submit timesheets.

For further details on specific features, refer to the sections below.


The 'Social Hub' dashboard (also known as 'Onboarding') allows new starters to securely provide their personal details when they start employment. This includes their home address, bank details, diversity information, and important HESA-related data. Upon the initial login, individuals typically receive 'Tasks' to complete on the Social Hub dashboard. For detailed instructions, refer to the How-to guide: Employee Self-Service.

Employee Self-Service (ESS) is accessed via the Employee Dashboard in HR Self-Service. It gives you access to your payslips and P60s, personal and contractual information, as well as the Internal job board.

Manager Self-Service (MSS) is accessed via the Manager Dashboard in HR Self-Service. As a Self-Service Manager you can see information about your direct reports, including:

  • Basic personal details such as name, title and personal phone numbers for use in emergencies (but not diversity information);
  • Employee Personnel Number;
  • University Card No. and expiry date;
  • Contractual details including job title, FTE, length of service, salary and allowances (but not payslips, P60s, or other tax/NI information);
  • Information about your team structure (eg who reports to whom).

If your department is using HR Self-Service to manage leave, absence and/or timesheets, you will also have the option to record and approve requests for your team. Visit the User guides and the FAQs page for further information.

The Internal job board allows University employees, casual staff, agency and TSS workers to securely view and apply for University jobs, with the benefit of having access to internal-only roles that are not published on the University’s Jobs website.

The Internal job board is accessed via ESS, in HR Self-Service.

The following areas are now using HR Self-Service to record leave (and other absences) and timesheets:

Staff Leave and absence Timesheets
Assurance Directorate Y N
Department of Physics N Y
Faculty of Classics Y N
University HR Y N
MPLS Divisional Office Y N
Begbroke Directorate Y N
Biology Y N
Chemistry Y N
Computer Science Y N
Doctoral Training Centre Y N
Earth Sciences Y N
Biochemistry Y N
Sir William Dunn School of Pathology Y N
Experimental Psychology Y N
Social Sciences Divisional Office Y N
Archaeology Y N
Blavatnik School of Government Y N
Economics Y N
Education Y N
Law Y N
Oxford Internet Institute Y N
Said Business School & OSBS Ltd Y N
Social Policy and Intervention Y N
Reuben College Y N

If your area is not listed above, please continue to follow your current process for recording leave and timesheets. TSS staff should also continue to follow the usual process.

Please visit the user guides and FAQs webpages for further details.

Access to certain University platforms, such as HR Self-Service, from outside the University network is provided via the IT Services Virtual Private Network (VPN) Service. This virtual connection to the University network behaves exactly as it would if you were on-site. For guidance on how to install VPN, visit the IT Help page. For further assistance, contact the IT Service Desk.

Visit also the 'Guide to your HR data' webpage.

Log into HR Self-Service

You must be on the University's network / VPN



Having issues?

  1. Check the relevant user guide
  2. Visit the FAQs and Troubleshooting pages
  3. Still having problems? Contact your local HR administrator for help.