HR Self-Service user guides

Our guidance is split into two sections, for staff and for managers.

Guidance for staff

  1. Accessing HR Self-Service
    1. Log into and out of HR Self-Service
    2. Adjust your HR Self-Service display
  2. Personal information and pay
    1. Manage your details (including completing new starter details)
    2. Access your payslips and P60s
    3. Emails from HR Self-Service
  3. Leave, absence and timesheet management (participating departments only)
    1. Check annual leave balance and request annual leave 
    2. Complete sickness absence record 
    3. Submit a timesheet
  4. Career Development Reviews/Professional Development (researchers in participating departments only)
    1. Complete career and professional development reviews
    2. Record professional development
  5. Recruitment
    1. View and apply for vacancies
    2. Guidance for interview panel members (participating departments only)

Guidance for managers

  1. Navigation
    1. Navigate to Manager Dashboard and view team member records
    2. Return to Employee Self-Service 
  2. Leave, absence and timesheet management (participating departments only)
    1. Approve annual leave
    2. Record annual leave, sickness or other absence
    3. Approve timesheets
  3. Career Development Reviews/Professional Development for researchers (participating departments only)
    1. Finalise career and professional development reviews
    2. View Reviewee's professional development 

Looking for specific guidance for HR staff? Visit the HR Self-Service guidance for HR webpages, instead.

Log into HR Self-Service

Access requires University network or VPN connection


See our 'How-to guides' for help.


Having issues?

  1. Check the relevant user guide
  2. Visit the FAQs and Troubleshooting pages
  3. Still having problems? Contact your local HR for help.